Bestseller Life Magic Calculator

Event Timeline Calculator

30-day Superstar Pre-publication Timeline Calculator

Plug in your official launch date below, then click “Calculate.”

The fields will populate with the date each event should occur. Then click the “Export to CSV” button at the end of the table to download a copy of all the dates on a file you can read on almost any computer!

Event Date
Put up Goodreads page
Upload proofed book to BookFunnel
Send to Advance team and invite them to read the book and provide feedback/comments; give them Goodreads page info for reviews
Make amendments as soon as the Advance team starts getting responses back to you
Begin booking launch promos for HARD LAUNCH DATE (BookBub Ads and Featured Deals and Amazon and Facebook and so on)
Email mail list with exclusive cover reveal and tell them date book comes out
Email book bloggers – DO AT LEAST A DAY OR TWO AFTER SENDING TO BETA READERS (so they can find big booboos)
Tease Launch contest to mail list (if doing one) e.g.: “first person to send me third word in chapter four” gets the book and let them know mailing address for free entries
Start submitting to sites on “book sale site” tab – even if not avail on preorder on Amazon a lot of them will let you do this.
Let Street Team know that if they’re done in the next week and send fixes they get the Acknowledgments
Email list with extract/advance reviews
Post book trailer
Add acknowledgments for Street Team – include at VERY END (and text is below)
Email general list re the launch in three days Remind them of launch contest
Email general list re the launch in two days
SOFT RELEASE DATE–Upload final book to Amazon (and anywhere else you are publishing it). If you are running a “pre-launch” deal then put it on for lower price.
Email general list re the launch in one day Remind them of launch contest
As soon as the book is live let the street team know to review it (and purchase for low price if they wish). SEND URL FOR REVIEW PAGE ON AMAZON to street team ( where ASIN #= the ASIN of your book and remind them to review)
As soon as the book is live email up to ten book categories to Amazon Author Central
As soon as the book is live submit to any remaining book sites
As soon as the book is live enter cover at cover contests
email general list – BOOK IS LIVE!
Request a review from BOOKLIFE
Raise price of book to regular price
Draw winner for contest and email list